Web standards for developers and suppliers

Our web development standards are intended for use by in-house website and application developers, and for third-party suppliers that provide web-based products or services to the council.

If you have any questions about these standards, please contact Web and Digital Services.


  • All websites, web applications and mobile applications must adhere to Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 as stipulated by the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
  • Suppliers must provide evidence of compliance.

Web browser support

Design and branding

To ensure a consistent experience for our users, all web applications that form part of the Surrey County Council public-facing website should make use of our website template. Refer to our style guide for further information about our templates, styles, and common components.

Error pages

All applications should present an appropriate error page when required. Error pages can be downloaded in HTML format below.

Applications should either make use of the generic error page, or the specific versions for each error type. Applications should always return the correct HTTP status code for each error type, regardless of whether a generic or specific error message is displayed.

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