Web standards for text

Text formatted correctly and error-free reaches the widest audience

Formatting text

  • left aligned
  • black
  • Veranda font
  • formatted as 'Paragraph'


  • New pages in Squiz are automatically formatted as 'Paragraph'
  • Text size can only be changed for H2 headings and H3 sub headings
  • Use Ctrl + C to paste text from a Word document or web page
    • Check for any formatting errors
    • Use the brush button on the editing toolbar to remove text formatting

Reasons for these web standards

To be consistent across all pages of the public website.

Bold and capital letters

Large blocks of bold text and block capital letters create a bad user experience.


  • Use bold for emphasis sparingly, one word or a few words at most, making it more effective.
  • Format headings using H2 for headings or H3 for sub headings, not bold.
  • Block capitals can only be used for acronyms, such as SCC


Use bold text to emphasise a phrase within a sentence.

Reason for this web standard

  • Accessibility: helps people with dyslexia, and makes text easier for all users to read.


Italics makes text appear to run together for people with dyslexia and visual impairments.

Spelling and grammar

  • Check spelling and grammar are correct.
    • Use a spell checker to check your document before you publish it
  • The house style document (available on SCCinfo) gives guidance on grammar and English usage.

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