Home equipment finder

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If you struggle with daily tasks like remembering to take medication, preparing a meal, washing or dressing or moving around your home, use our home equipment finder below to buy things that can help you stay well and independent at home.

There are lots of suggestions and examples you can find from local retailers or specialist providers.

We provide the links for information and don't endorse the products or services. We advise you to do your own research before you buy anything. Please read our Disclaimer.

Depending on your situation, you may qualify for support from the council instead of buying products yourself. Find out more about Adult social care assessments and eligibility.

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Use the drop down buttons below to explore a wide selection of products that could help you at home and are available from retailers and specialist providers. You can also view all products.


Search results

There are 4 items that match your search criteria.

The search results below contain links to external websites and we can't control the content on those websites. We provide the links for information and don't endorse the products or services. We advise you to do your own research before you buy anything. We make no representations, express or implied, regarding such websites. Please refer to our disclaimer for further information.

Dementia clocks

Clocks for people with dementia can offer pictures, voice and video reminder alarms.

Key safes

A key safe is a strong mechanical box in which the key to your door can be securely stored. Your keys can be accessed by a combination code which will only be known to you and anyone you give the code to.

Smart entry devices

Smart door locks don't need a key to open them and can be controlled through your smartphone.

Vibrating pillow alarm

These can go under a pillow and create a buzz or vibrate which someone can feel rather than hear.

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