10.1 Parking principles

Developments must be designed around people not the car.

Car club parking bays should be well defined and located throughout the development.

Parking demands within Surrey are set by boroughs and districts but we would encourage developments seeking to be car lite and provide smaller numbers of parking spaces.

To achieve people focussed streets the location and design of parking is key. It will remain a challenge to create beautiful and sustainable places with high amounts of parking.

Surrey is adopting split parking provision for when more than one parking space is provided. One space should be provided either on plot or close to the home on street, while a second or third space is accommodated in a separate parking area such as a peripheral parking court, parking shed/barn. This should be more convenient to use than existing on street parking in surrounding streets to avoid residents using that instead, and developers will be expected to demonstrate this.

Parking provision should respond to the standards set out in the relevant District and Borough guidance.

We encourage boroughs and districts to transition to parking maximums and allow developments to use fewer spaces than existing guidance when supported by the community, good public transport, cycling provision and car clubs.

Opportunities should be explored to reduce or entirely remove parking provision on a site-by-site basis through discussions with SCC and local districts and boroughs at the earliest stage possible.

Reducing levels of parking provision will have a significant impact on the character of a street and releases land for public spaces, tree planting or additional homes.

The reduction of parking spaces must not solely be relied on to reduce car use. Proposed travel plans must reflect and support the aims to reduce parking provision and promote the use of more sustainable travel options.

Car clubs are supported by SCC as a means of promoting sustainable mobility, reducing vehicle emissions and dependency on the private car.

Research shows that for every 1 car club space provided an average reduction of 18.5 private parking spaces can be achieved [Reference 46].

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Figure 10-1 Parking strategies for new build development should prioritise on-street, unallocated parking over off-street provision and private garages (Credit - Create Streets)


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