Cycling parking standards are outlined within the Surrey County Council Parking Guidance which should be read in conjunction with this guide [Reference 52].
Parking must be provided in new developments.
At least 1 space must be provided for 1 or 2 bedroom homes, and at least 2 spaces for larger homes. This can either be provided as: At home cycle parking. Individual parking provisions for homes either within inside storage or shared rooms or as a separate bike shelter.
The shelter should be secure and protected from rain.
The space should be suitable for general storage for those whom may not own any bikes.
Shared or communal cycle parking. This type of parking is more efficient in terms of space use, and the number of facilities depends on the number of bikes anticipated in a given area.
This type of storage must be secure, well-overlooked, secure and easily accessible and large enough to accommodate all cycle users.
Appropriate types of shared cycle parking include:
- Cycle racks
- Cycle garages (often within a building)
- Cycle stands
Visitor parking must also be provided at convenient locations, and non-residential facilities should also have parking for employees and visitors, in line with SCC parking guidance.
The following should be considered when designing shared or communal bike shelters.
- Made from attractive and robust materials
- Positioned to be consistent with the building line if street facing and should be placed in a ‘furniture zone’ to avoid obstructing pavements
- Situated in well overlooked locations, well lit, signed and close to the entrances of buildings (within 20m of the building they serve)
- Undercover where possible
- Laid out in small clusters of within communal spaces. Consolidated parking facilities should be used for large public / community buildings, transport hubs and flats
- Reference 52: Surrey County Council (2021) Vehicular, Cycle and Electric Vehicle Parking Guidance for New Development (Return to content for reference 52).