4.14 Street types overview table

The following table sets out the geometric and qualitative requirements for each of the proposed street types. This should be read in conjunction with the descriptions and sections in Section 4.2. The typical section shown below explains the various elements of street design as set out in the table.

Table 4.3

Carriageway width To DMRB
Pavement width Minimum 2.0 metres
Cycle lanes To LTN 1/20. Good separation or ‘off street’ provision required.
Furniture and separation zones To LTN 1/20 if cycle lane is provided
Plot set back N/A
Enclosure ratio N/A
Design speed To DMRB and transitioning down in urban areas.
Carriageway To DMRB
Central reservation To DMRB
Pavement Pavement may not be required where off highway links are provided.
Traffic calming N/A
Junction geometry To DMRB
Street furniture and trees Trees should be accommodated.
Cycle provision Separate or off-street provision required.
Parking provision Parking unlikely to be appropriate
Public transport May include dedicated bus lanes, particularly at busy junctions to bypass traffic.
Electric vehicle charging N/A

Carriageway width Minimum 5.5 metres (11.00 metres dual) (or 6m if two-way bus route will be provided)Maximum 6.5 metres (13.00 metres dual)
Pavement width Minimum 2.0 metres with tree zone 2.5 metres without
Cycle lanes 2.0 metres (+0.2 metres with full height kerb)
Furniture and separation zones Minimum 1.5 metres (no parking) Minimum 0.5 metres (with parking and build outs for trees)
Plot set back Minimum 0.5 metres, Maximum 3.0 metres
Enclosure ratio 1 : 2 (urban), 1 : 4 (suburban)
Design speed 20 or 30 mph
Carriageway At least two running lanes, may include dedicated bus or transit lanes. Asphalt surface primarily, with different surfacing at crossings, junctions and gateway features.
Central reservation Can include central tree lined verge.
Pavement 2 metres wide minimum, with good separation from carriageway. May incorporate other features such as bus stops, seating, etc.
Traffic calming Occasional features to reduce speed are required, such as raised table junctions and crossings and narrowing.
Junction geometry DMRB roundabouts not permitted. Smaller ‘compact’ roundabouts can be used where designed in accordance with cycling guidance.Raised table type junctions preferred.Compact radii to encourage low speeds.
Street furniture and trees Regular street trees and low-level planting to be accommodated in verge, or in build outs where parking is provided.
Cycle provision Cycle lane to be separated from carriageway by verge or parking. Lane to be set at carriageway level, or stepped between footway and carriageway.
Parking provision On street parallel parking must be included where required. To be broken up by buildouts with trees.
Public transport May include dedicated bus or transit lane. Where no lane is provided, bus stops should be of the layby type allow other traffic to pass.
Electric vehicle charging Provide on build outs alongside trees and planting.

Carriageway width Minimum 5.5 metre (or 6m if two-way bus route will be provided)Maximum 6.0 metres
Pavement width Minimum 3.0 metres
Cycle lanes 2.0 metres (+0.2 metres with full height kerb)
Furniture and separation zones Minimum 1.5 metres (no parking) Minimum 0.5 metres (with parking and build outs for trees)
Plot set back Minimum 1.5 metres, Allow for signage, and zones for spill out.
Enclosure ratio 1 : 1 (ideal), 1 : 2 (minimum)
Design speed 20mph
Carriageway At least two running lanes, may include dedicated bus or transit lanes. Asphalt surface primarily, with different surfacing at crossings, junctions and gateway features.
Central reservation Irregular central features can be used to create public space, parking or incorporate buildings.
Pavement 3 metres wide minimum.Semi – private space for shops, cafes, etc to be provided in set backs.
Traffic calming Regular features to reduce speed are required, such as raised table junctions and crossings and narrowing. Gateway features from higher order streets required.
Junction geometry Roundabouts not permitted.Corner radii appropriate for large vehicles at low speeds. Raised tables to be included at junctions and side streets access via ‘Copenhagen’ style crossings.
Street furniture and trees Regular street trees to be provided in build outs or in a separation zone between carriageway and footways. Should include regular seating and other furniture, while being mindful of street clutter.
Cycle provision Cycle lane to be separated from carriageway by parking and set at footway level with suitable separation.Where there is no parking, cycling should be within carriageway with a form of permeable separation such as trees.
Parking provision On street parallel parking must be included where required. To be broken up by buildouts with trees.
Public transport May include dedicated bus or transit lane. Where no lane is provided, bus stops should be of the layby type allow other traffic to pass.
Electric vehicle charging Provide on build outs alongside trees and planting.

Carriageway width Minimum 5.0 metres Maximum 5.5 metres
Pavement width Minimum 3.0 metres – allow for wider in areas of high footfall
Cycle lanes N/A – on street
Furniture and separation zones N/A – Trees should be accommodated in build outs
Plot set back Minimum 1.0 metre, Allow for signage, and zones for spill out.
Enclosure ratio 1 : 2 (ideal)
Design speed 15mph
Carriageway At least two running lanes. Block paving preferred, asphalt can be used with regular changes in material for crossings, junctions and gateway features.
Central reservation Irregular central features can be used to create public space, parking or incorporate buildings.
Pavement 3 metres wide minimum, but should vary to create additional space where appropriate. Semi – private space for shops, cafes, etc to be provided in set backs, but can spill out onto footway where space allows.
Traffic calming Regular features to reduce speed are required, such as raised table junctions and crossings, material changes and narrowing. Gateway features from higher order streets required. Limit forward visibility through horizontal alignment.
Junction geometry Roundabouts not permitted.Corner radii appropriate for large vehicles at low speeds. Raised tables to be included at junctions and side streets access via ‘Copenhagen’ style crossings.
Street furniture and trees Regular trees and planting to be provided, in more informal manner than busier high streets. Should include regular seating and other furniture, while being mindful of street clutter.
Cycle provision Separate cycling provision may be required depending on traffic volumes and speeds, and the street’s position within the cycling network
Parking provision On street parallel parking must be included where required. To be broken up by buildouts with trees.
Public transport No separate provision is required, but carriageway may be widened at stops to reduce conflicts. Bus stops and shelters should not reduce footway width to less than 2 metres.
Electric vehicle charging Provide on build outs alongside trees and planting.

Carriageway width Minimum 6 metres, width should vary
Pavement width N/A – shared surface
Cycle lanes N/A – shared surface
Furniture and separation zones N/A
Plot set back Minimum 0.75 metres, Allow for signage, and zones for spill out.
Enclosure ratio 1 : 1 (ideal)
Design speed N/A
Carriageway A level surface with high quality paving material. Some visual indication of vehicle pathway may be included for servicing
Central reservation N/A
Pavement N/A – shared surface
Traffic calming N/A
Junction geometry N/A
Street furniture and trees Should include regular planting seating and other furniture, while being mindful of pedestrian comfort and clutter.
Cycle provision No specific provision. Cycling should usually be permitted, to ensure access to services, but through route use should be discouraged by providing safe and convenient space elsewhere in network. Alternatively central separated, two-way cycle lane can be provided if space allows.
Parking provision N/A
Public transport N/A
Electric vehicle charging N/A

Carriageway width Minimum 4.1 metresMaximum 6.5 metres(Or minimum 6 metres if bus access required)
Pavement width Minimum 2.0 metres
Cycle lanes N/A – on street except in specific circumstances
Furniture and separation zones N/A
Plot set back Minimum 0.5 metres, Maximum 2.5 metres
Enclosure ratio 1 : 1 (ideal), 1 : 3 (minimum)
Design speed 20mph
Carriageway Typically, two running lanes. Passing points where narrower than 4.8. Asphalt surface primarily, with different surfacing at crossings, junctions and gateway features.
Central reservation N/A
Pavement Minimum 2 metres wide on both side of carriageway.
Traffic calming Intrinsic design characteristics to reduce speed (5.5).Limit forward visibility through horizontal alignment.Modal filtering to prevent through running recommended.
Junction geometry Roundabouts not permitted.Corner radii appropriate for large vehicles at low speeds. Raised tables to be included at junctions and side streets access via ‘Copenhagen’ style crossings.
Street furniture and trees Regular street trees and planting to be provided in build outs in carriageway
Cycle provision No specific provision. Cycling in carriageway to be made attractive through low traffic volume and speed.Separate lane could be provided where street is significant cycle through route or has particularly high traffic or HGV use.
Parking provision On street parallel parking must be included where required. To be broken up by buildouts with trees.
Public transport No separate provision is required. Bus stops and shelters should not reduce footway width to less than 2m.
Electric vehicle charging Provide on build outs alongside trees and planting.

Carriageway width Minimum 3.7 metres (one lane) Minimum 4.1 metres maximum 4.8 metres (two lane)
Pavement width Minimum 2.0 metres
Cycle lanes N/A – on street
Furniture and separation zones N/A – Trees should be accommodated in build outs
Plot set back Maximum 2.0 metres
Enclosure ratio 1 : 1 (ideal), 1 : 3 (minimum)
Design speed 10mph
Carriageway Typically, one to two lanes. Passing points to allow vehicular movement in either direction where narrower than 4.8. Usually asphalt but may include different materials.
Central reservation N/A
Pavement Minimum 2 metres wide on one or both side of carriageway.
Traffic calming Intrinsic design characteristics to reduce speed (5.5).Limit forward visibility through horizontal alignment.Modal filtering to prevent through running recommended.
Junction geometry Tight corner radii (1-2 metres) appropriate for medium sized vehicles at low speeds.Access from secondary / primary street via ‘Copenhagen’ style crossings.
Street furniture and trees Regular street trees and planting to be provided in build outs in carriageway.
Cycle provision No specific provision. Cycling in carriageway to be made attractive through low traffic volume and speed.
Parking provision On street parallel parking must be included where required. To be broken up by buildouts with trees.
Public transport Only suitable for midi / minibus. Bus gates required on filtered routes.
Electric vehicle charging Provide on build outs alongside trees and planting.

Carriageway width 4.5 metres min (6 metres for vehicle access)
Pavement width N/A
Cycle lanes N/A
Furniture and separation zones N/A
Plot set back 0.3-0.5 metre private strip to allow for foundations, drainage, etc.
Enclosure ratio 1:0.4 (max), 1 : 1 (ideal)
Design speed N/A
Carriageway A level surface with high quality paving material.
Central reservation N/A
Pavement N/A
Traffic calming N/A
Junction geometry N/A
Street furniture and trees May include some furniture where appropriate.
Cycle provision Cycling not usually permitted.
Parking provision N/A
Public transport N/A
Electric vehicle charging N/A

Carriageway width 6 metres (Shared surface width between buildings)
Pavement width N/A
Cycle lanes N/A
Furniture and separation zones N/A
Plot set back 0.3-0.5 metre private strip to allow for foundations, drainage, etc.
Enclosure ratio 1 : 1 (ideal), 1 : 2 (minimum)
Design speed 10 mph
Carriageway A shared surface carriageway. Typically brick / block paving or coloured asphalt with central drainage channel s of a different material.
Central reservation N/A
Pavement N/A
Traffic calming Carriageway narrowing at entry points. Introduce parking, plating, trees, etc to make route arduous.
Junction geometry Tight corner radii appropriate for car at low speeds.Access from secondary / primary street via ‘Copenhagen’ style crossings.
Street furniture and trees Street trees within carriageway.
Cycle provision Cycling within carriageway
Parking provision On curtilage / on street parking within mews or broken up by trees.
Public transport N/A
Electric vehicle charging Pillar posts in carriageway if space allows, or wall mounted.

Carriageway width 3.7 metres
Pavement width N/A
Cycle lanes N/A
Furniture and separation zones N/A
Enclosure ratio N/A
Design speed N/A
Carriageway An asphalt surface
Central reservation N/A
Pavement N/A
Traffic calming N/A
Junction geometry Tight corner radii appropriate for car at low speeds
Street furniture and trees Trees should be provided alongside carriageway.
Cycle provision Cycling within carriageway
Parking provision Occasional on street parking.
Public transport N/A
Electric vehicle charging N/A

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