9.3 Technical specification for lighting

Street lighting must meet the requirements outlined in the Surrey County Council Street Lighting Developer’s Brief and associated specification documents. Milestone (formerly Skanska) are responsible for the maintenance and installation of all adopted streetlights and as such must design or check street lighting for section 278 or 38 agreements [Reference 40].

The following requirements should also be noted:

  • No adoptable lighting can be installed onto buildings unless agreed with the Authority in writing prior to installation and shall only be adopted upon submission of relevant wayleaves allowing the Authority the right, in perpetuity, to provide power, across said private property if required, install, operate, maintain, remove, affix signs, displays and notices, and provide sub-feed to adjacent equipment, across said private property as and if required.
  • Sustainability is an essential factor in lighting selection. Guidance outlined in the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRCEE), Energy Using Products Directive (EuP), Climate Change Act (2008) and Energy Act (2008) should be consulted. All new lighting must be LED.
  • Light spillage can be avoided by adjusting lantern tilt and limiting light angles to less than 70°.Higher mounting of lights can also be beneficial to avoiding light spillage.
  • Lighting near to or above the horizonal should be avoided to reduce glare. In rural areas full horizontal cut off luminaires installed at 0° uplift will minimise intrusion on surrounding areas.
  • The colour temperature for lighting should be 3000K or under for high traffic areas and between 2200K –2700K for low traffic and pedestrian areas. Sudden changes in lighting are problematic for partially sighted people.


  • Reference 40: Surrey County Council (2021) Developer Street Lighting Notes and Specifications (https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/roadworks-and-maintenance/streetlights-traffic-signals-and-signs/street-lights/specification-and-adoption-details-for-street-lights-in-new-developments) (Return to content for reference 40).

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