The selection of bollards must reflect their setting especially in heritage or rural contexts. Bell bollards are present in Surrey towns centres and could be appropriate in certain contexts. Bollards can be integrated with EV charging or street signs to reduce street clutter. With the exception of bell bollards, heights should be between 1000mm.
They must not be joined with chain or ropes to avoid obstruction to pedestrians.
Minimum distance from kerb face: 450mm
Recommended distance between bollards to prevent vehicle access: 1,200mm
Recommended distance between bollards for stopping vehicles from mounting the footway: 3,000mm centres across the width of footway
In this section
- 9.1 Streetlights
- 9.2 Location of streetlights
- 9.3 Technical specification for lighting
- 9.4 Street furniture and signage
- 9.5 Technical design specification for signage
- 9.6 Technical design specification for bollards
- 9.7 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging
- 9.8 EV charging equipment selection
- 9.9 Location of EV charger equipment
- 9.10 Street furniture, lighting and signage